Chapter 26 relativity

26.1 Introduction -> 26.5 Einstein’s Principle of Relativity

    The Postulates of Special Relativity  

1.      The Relativity Postulate.  The laws of physics are the same in every inertial reference systems.

2.      The Speed of Light Postulate.  The speed of light in a vacuum is always measured to be 3x 108 m/s, no matter how fast the source of light and the observer are moving relative to each other.

26.2 The Principle of  Relativity

•  An inertial reference frame is one which Newton’s law of inertial (Newton’s first law) is valid.  If the net force acting on a body is zero, the body either remains at rest or moves at a constant velocity.

•  Figure 26.1  (There is no preferred frame of reference for describing the laws of mechanics.)

26.6  Consequences of Special Relativity

<Simultaneity and the Relativity of Time >

•  Time interval measurements depend on the reference frame in which they are made.

•  Two events that are simultaneous in one reference frame are in general not simultaneous in a second frame moving with respect to the first.  That is, simultaneity is not an absolute concept.

•  There is no preferred inertial frame of reference.

< Time Dilation >

•  Time is measured by a light clock where a pulse of light bounces back and forth between mirror and detector (tick-tock).

•  Figure 26.8 (The time interval between successive ticks for two observers.) 

•  To the ground observer, the pulse in the vehicle travels a longer path.


 = time interval measured by the observer who is at rest with respect to the events and who views them as occurring at the same place (in the vehicle)

= time interval measured by an observer who is in motion with respect to the events and who views them as occurring at difference places (on earth)

v = relative speed between the two observers

c = speed of light in vacuum

•  According to a stationary observer, a moving clock runs more slowly than an identical stationary clock by a factor of .  This effect is known as time dilation.

•  Examples

<Verification of Time Dilation>

•  The lifetime measurements of muons

•  In 1971 Hafele and Keating  transported precise cesium-beam atomic clocks around the world on commercial jet for 45 hours and compared it with the ground-based reference atomic clocks.  They found the clocks on the planes were different from those on earth. 

•  Examples

< The Twin Paradox >

< Length Contraction >

•  The proper length is defined as the length of the object measured in the reference frame in which the object is at rest.

•  The length of an object measured in a reference frame in which the object is moving is always less than the proper length.  This effect is known as relativistic length contraction.

L = Lp

where Lp is the proper length, v is the relative speed between the two observers.

•  Example

26.7     Relativistic Momentum (Skip)

26.8     Relativistic Addition of Velocities (Skip)

26.9     Relativistic Energy

<The Total Energy of an Object>

•  The total energy E of the moving object with a velocity v and mass m is

          E =

•  When v = 0, the total energy is called the rest energy Eo.

          ER = mc2

•  One of the most astonishing results of special relativity is that mass and energy are equivalent, in the sense that a gain or loss of mass can be regarded equally well as a gain or loss of energy.

•  Examples

26.10  General Relativity (Skip)